JavaScript Garbage Collector Presentation

Last time I mentioned that I would be giving a talk at a local event - the Carolina Code Camp. Well, today was that day and I'm happy to report that the presentation and the event as a whole went very well! I hope to refine the presentation even further to present again at future events.

For anyone interested the GitHub repository that holds the actual presentation with all links used is available to view.

For a working version of the presentation (latest version), it can be found here.

My First Speaking Engagement is Official

I've often thought about being the one in front of the room during a code camp or some other speaking event. Though, like most of us, I've always been reluctant to put myself up there, scared that someone will call me out on not knowing what I was talking about or, worse yet, they all walk out on me.

However, with the fine coworkers at Wintellect and other friends, I decided to bite the bullet and sign up as a speaker for the Carolina Code Camp this year. After a couple of days of debating with myself on what to talk about, I decided that a talk on the JavaScript garbage collector would be interesting. I've always enjoyed learning about performance and this should be practical for others to learn as well.

So if you're near the Charlotte, NC area on Saturday, May 3, I encourage you to attend what has always been a great event since I've been going three years ago. Hope to see you there! If you end up going and even go to my session, try to refrain from throwing things.

The JavaScript Garbage Collector Demystified