Why I'm Reading Research Papers

In my recent post on doing deliberate practice to become a better developer I mentioned that I was going to spend some time to read and understand some research papers. This may seem a like an odd thing to do in order to become better at my craft, but I figured a little experimentation couldn't hurt. At the worst, I'll have a few research papers read and understood. Perhaps I'll even meet one of the co-authors and have something to engage in discussion with. However, I believe I may get a bit more out of it than just that.

Understand Latest Research

Seeing what the latest research trends are, I feel, can be quite beneficial in a practical sense. For instance, there's a paper that suggests that simple testing can prevent most critical failures in software. From reading the paper and Adrian Colyer's post about it one can get a lot of insight about preventing most crashes in software. One having that insight, you can put it to good use in all of the software that you currently are developing.

See Cutting Edge Technologies

I'm sure most of y'all have seen this graph on emerging technologies.

CC BY 2.5, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=11484459

Keeping up with new research articles allows me to be a part of the early adopters. Whereas now, I'm most likely split between the Early Majority and the Late Majority. Getting in early to new technologies will give multiple advantages, such as being among the first to submit pull requests if they have their code on GitHub, or generating the first set of blog posts on the subjet.

For example, Elm, a functional web language that outputs to JavaScript, was first introduced as a research paper. While I would say it is still in the late stages of the Early Adopter phase, if I was able to get on it earlier soon after this paper came out I could be considered one of the go-to people for this technology and even could help contribute to future releases of it.

Try to Understand More Math

A lot of computer science, and especially most of the research done in the field that I've seen, has a good bit of math behind it. While I took some math in my own studies of computer science, a lot of that was lost due to just not using it or keeping up with it.

While it's not necessary in day-to-day programming, it can be a bit helpful. Learning the math can help develop that extra bit of logic that will help in my daily programming, whether business logic or debugging.

With these benefits in mind, I plan on reading a paper a quarter this year and see how that goes. I'll definitely report back any benefits, or lack of any, that I believe I receive during that process.

My Deliberate Practice Plan to Become a Better Programmer

In the previous post, I reviewed the book So Good They Can't Ignore You. I wanted to take the ideas and advice from there and to create my own plan for deliberate practice as a software developer. Here's what I came up with...

Continuous learning

Being a software developer means to always be learning. Whether it's a new framework, new programming language, or a whole new programming paradigm learning something new is integral.

There are several ways to do this and I will try to incorporate all of them, though more will take more presidence and attentnion than others.

  • Use sites like Pluralsight and Udemy for on-demand tutorials and training.
    • Watch at least one course each one or two weeks, depending on the length of the course.
  • Watch at least one software presentation on YouTube or similar site.
    • Watch one at least each week. This should generate some "Top 10" posts for everyone to enjoy or, if it's really good enough, a post about a specific presentation.
  • Read at least one technical book each quarter.
  • Read and try to understand at least one journal paper on programming each quarter.


Of course, one of the biggest and best things to do as a developer is to actually program something...anything to help put into practice what I've learned. The above methods are great for learning new things, but they have to be put to use, as well, otherwise I won't be able to retain what I've learned.

  • Have at least one personal project going at a time.
  • Blog about things learned and always have a demo project for it, if possible.
  • Get certified, if available.

Being uncomfortable

Doing deliberate practice often means being uncomfortable during the practice. This is an easy way to know if the practice is good or not. Here a couple of ways I can step outside of my comfort zone.

  • Speak at a local user group at least once each quarter.
  • Try to speak at a conference at least once this year.
  • Do more screencasts instead of regular text posts for the blog.

Keeping track

Now, none of the above doesn't mean all that much if I don't keep track and accoutable for each of these. Saying I'm going to do it doesn't mean I am going to do it.

  • Once again, blogging about each of the above items as much as possible
  • Use a time tracker such as Plan to keep a digital record and for some nice reports.

Since it's very close to the 2017 year, this is a great time to get started with this.

Do you have something you've done work very well for you but wasn't mentioned? What are your plans for having deliberate practice?

Book Review: So Good They Can't Ignore You

I've always known books can have a profound impact on your life. So Good They Can't Ignore You just may be one of those books for you. I believe it will be for me. Though, it's not one of those books where you gain so much after just reading it. This book gives you a bit of a guide on how you can be so good at your career, that you can make it become the dream job you often hear about people going after.


Sections of the Book

Ignore the passion

In the first section of the book, the author goes into why you should ignore your passion for your career; why just following your passion isn't good enough for the job we all dream about.

Build career capital

The second section details about being so good that they can't ignore you - or building what the author calls career capital. Career capital is rare and valuable skills within your line of work and getting good at them.

The author quotes a reader from his blog that very accurately details a key aspect of when you're building career capital:

Willing to grind out long hours with little recongition

This section heavily reminded me of the episode of The Tim Ferriss show with Derek Sivers where Derek goes into, early in your career, say "yes" to everything. But when you get "so good they can't ignore you", you're free to say "no" to whatever comes up that you think doesn't allow you to gain any more career capital or that doesn't interest you.

The best thing to gain from this section is the aspect of deliberate practice. Merely doing the practice of skills you enjoy will result in a plateau of skills. Doing practice and projects that result in being uncomfortable is a way to break away from the plateau and to continue building skills.

Gaining control

The fourth section details that having control in your job will help make it a dream job and loving the work that you do. However, there are two dangers in pursuing more control in your career.

  1. Don't have enough career capital to back up the extra control
  2. Have enough career capital, but employeers will fight back against you having more control.

Derek Sivers comes in and gives advice that the book takes about knowing which of the two dangers you fall into so you can act accordingly:

Do what people are willing to pay you for

Having a mission

Having a mission for your career helps create work that you love. To help find a mission, use the area just beyond the cutting edge of your career field, or the adjacent possible.

Once found, use small steps to get critical feedback in order to imporove quickly, or little bets.

Book Conclusion

An even more interesting part of the book is the conclusion. The conclusion details how the author used each of the sections from the book in his own life as a computer science professor. A very practical example of how these ideas can be used in your own life.

Is this book a must read? If you want to get so good they can't ignore you, then I recommend it. I personally plan on making a plan myself to build up more career capital for myself.

Getting Up and Running with FsLab for Data Science

FSAdvent time is back this year! I'm going to use this post to start a new work in progress series on using F# for Dara science. This series will mainly consist of using FsLab to manipulate and visualize data.

Setting Up Your Environment

The easiest way to get setup in the IDE of you choosing is to just download the basic template of FsLab. This just references FsLab with Paket and gives a small script example. That's perfect for all that we need to do.

We're going to go through the script that it provides (with a bit of changes) in this post. Don't worry though, we'll go through a good bit of different aspects of the script in future posts. We're just getting up and running here as sometimes that can be the biggest hurdle to get started in something new.

Generating Data

FsLab comes with the FSharp.Data package which includes a few very useful type providers which help provide a safe and easy way to get data from external sources.

World Bank Type Provider

As previously mentioned, FSharp.Data comes with a few very useful type providers. One that we'll use here to help give us some real world data is the World Bank type provider. You could spend all day looking at what data it provides. For this post, though, we'll look at the US and EU percent added to their GDP from industry.

Setting Up Script

Before we can access the World Bank type provider, though, we need to set up our script to access it. If you used the basic template it will already have FsLab setup with Paket so you would just need to run paket.exe install or build the project.

Now we can reference FsLab so first thing to do is to load the script to access everything we need from it:

#load "packages/FsLab/FsLab.fsx"

Now that we have the FsLab script loaded we can access all sorts of libraries from it by using the 'open' keyword in F#.

open Deedle
open FSharp.Data
open XPlot.GoogleCharts
open XPlot.GoogleCharts.Deedle

We have a few external libraries we're using throughout our script:

  • Using Deedle to explore our data.
  • The FSharp.Data library for our World Bank type provider.
  • GoogleCharts and GoogleCharts.Deedle to visualize our data.

Getting Our Data

Next we instantiate the World Bank type provider and from there we get a reference to the Indicators object for the US and for the EU.

let wb = WorldBankData.GetDataContext()

let us = wb.Countries.``United States``.Indicators
let eu = wb.Countries.``European Union``.Indicators

From there we get the industry percent value added to the country's GDP and create a data series.

let usSeries = series us.``Industry, value added (% of GDP)``
let euSeries = series eu.``Industry, value added (% of GDP)``

Now here is where some work on the data happens.

abs (usSeries - euSeries)
|> Series.sort
|> Series.rev
|> Series.take 5

From here we get the absolute value of the difference of the two series, sort it, get the reverse of it, then take only the first five items. Looks like a bit, but we'll go into details of certain statistics for data science in future posts.

Charting Our Data

Now that we have the data we want, let's chart it. The charting library in FsLabs will allow us to customize the chart as we see fit for visualizing. For this there is an Options type that we can create. We'll just give a title and tell the legend to appear at the bottom.

let options = Options ( title = "% of GDP value added", legend = Legend(position="bottom") )

Now we just need to tell the charting library to chart our data.

[ usSeries.[2000 .. 2010]; euSeries.[2000 .. 2010] ]
|> Chart.Line
|> Chart.WithOptions options
|> Chart.WithLabels ["US"; "EU"]

We give it our data as an F# list, tell it to create a line chart, give it our options, and then tell what our labels are for our legend.


Just run it all in F# Interactive. :)

New Wintellect Blog Posts

For this Thanksgiving, I thought sharing a lot of my recent Wintellect blog posts. If I may say, there's a lot of good stuff for you to go through while digesting a Thanksgiving meal. Hope you all enjoy!


I've been doing a bit of Spectron lately for a client and have been posting some insights I've gained from it.


I've been into Xamarin for quite a while now and have quite a few links that go through different aspects of it, mainly with F#. This includes my very first screencast and using FAKE with your Xamarin projects.

Using GIFs on Bug Reports

If you've been developing software for any length of time you've fixed a bug or two that someone has reported. Whether for a customer or a user within your organization, sometime's words of how something is fixed or how to duplicate an issue may not be enough.

Using screenshots is great to show if something is working, especially if it is something easily to show like a UI element working. However, to show that a series of steps is working with the end showing that the fix is there, I believe GIFs are a great way to include in your bug reports after a fix has been implemented.

But How Do I Make A GIF?

I primarily run a Mac, so I really love how easy Screenflow is for this. Sure it's primarily for screencasting, and I use it for that, too, but it's really easy to make GIFs with this.

Of course, there are free alternatives (before Screenflow I was using Recordit with good results) and they all are good to use in their own right. One thing I really like with Screenflow is that it is really easy to edit after recording your GIF.

Why Does Editing GIFs Matter?

The primary reason why I'd want to edit a GIF is to remove unneeded parts of what I was recording. The same thing you'd do with any video, remove any dead or time consuming parts. If you're recording a GIF to show that something is working after a fix is put in, you may have times where you're waiting for a process to execute in order to show the fix is working. Editing your GIF to remove the time it takes for the process to launch and load will reduce the length of the GIF as well as to make it smaller for uploading or viewing.

Another awesome reason I like using Screenflow for GIFs is that you can use all the advanced screencasting features Screenflow provides for you inside of your GIFs. For instance, I can zoom in on places I want to show in the GIF or highlight specific areas of the screen so the viewer can know what I want them to see.

Let's take a look at an example. I did a very quick recording of some F# using VS Code and running a selection in the FSI. Here's the GIF of that using Screenflow's editing tools.

Not the best edited example, but I hope it helps illustrate some of the things Screenflow can do to make GIFs that much better to include in bug reports.

There are a couple of things of note, though.

  • Screenflow allowed me to specifiy what area I wanted to be recorded. I just adjusted the preview window right before recording to the size I needed.
  • I did a small zoom to better show the FSI output.
  • I did a callout to show to viewers the specific output in FSI of the input I gave it.

I got Screenflow to start doing some screencasting, but since they've introduced GIF support I've been using it much more for caputuring GIFs for projects at work and uploading them to whatever bug tracker we're using (Jira, Visual Studio Team Services, GitHub) and, to me, it's been quite helpful. Often I've recorded a GIF and found something else I needed to work on for that issue before it should have been sent back as fixed.